Lionsgate Hearing

What would
better hearing
mean to your life?


Over the last 10 years innovations has allowed us to communicate and thrive in ways we could never have imagined. You can share your life instantly with family over continents from your phone, world travel becomes cheaper and quicker each year and we are living longer than ever before.

But some of the greatest technological strides have been made in one of the least discussed areas of our lives.: Hearing Aids.

In recent months new innovations have become so advanced Hearing Aids are now like a device Q would create for James Bond. These advances are bringing new life to so many isolated sufferers of hearing loss, enabling them to join in conversations, hear all the musical notes in full, even birdsong and the laughter of small children.

If you think you might be suffering from hearing loss please book your hearing test today - the technology to help you has arrived and the earlier you start to take advantage of this technology the better results you will enjoy.

If you've had a test before, or already wear hearing aids, but feel that you are still finding conversation and hearing difficult please book a Free test with our Private Healthcare Audiologists to check you're getting the best possible device for your personal hearing needs.

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FREE hearing test today

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Book a consultation with our expert audiologist in the privacy of your own home.

Total Control

Many modern aids can be controlled by your smartphone, or tablet, and use a Bluetooth Connection to send a signal directly to your ear.

Choose Your Conversation

Modern hearing aids can also be used as headphones and deliver a sound directly to your ear.

The sound quality is so excellent it’s only a matter of time before they become essential equipment for serious music lovers

Listen To Music

Modern hearing aids can also be used as headphones and deliver a sound directly to your ear. The sound quality is such high quality it's only a matter of time before they become essential equipment for serious music lovers

Live Translation

The bluetooth connection to your phone means that services like Google Translate can be sent straight to your ear, giving you almost real time translation. Just like the Bablefish of Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy fame.

How Can A Hearing Aid Prevent Dementia?

A new study have shown that treating age-related hearing problems with a hearing aid can delay the onset and progression of several neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s, by up to eight years.

It seems that people who wear hearing aids maintain better brain function over time than those who do not. By allowing social interaction Hearing Aids prevent isolation and the deterioration in mood and brain function that follows.

Click on the logos above to read about the details of this study in these well respected publications.